"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine...let it shine..let it shine."
I just had a conversation that compels me now to throw this out to you who live with faith in God.
Know from whom that light comes. There is so much talk of personal light, enlightenment, the power of positive thought being equal to or greater than prayer, inner power, collective thinking, making your own destiny, etc. I need to point out that the definition of destiny doesn't allow room for saying you can make your own. As well, all of this thinking more often creates confusion and inner conflict over enlightenment. Seek wisdom instead. Some will say I'm arguing semantics. I say to you - please seek the one who offers the way, the truth, and the life. And please shine your light, share your love, give of yourself and the gifts God gave you - and glory be to God - not to us.
©Ronda Rae Franklin
Photograph: unknown