About Me

My photo
Anacortes, Washington, United States
This is my testimony - my testimony of faith and lack thereof; of the rising and falling of hopes and dreams; of beliefs and disbelief's; of tremendous heartache and human folly; of reaching out and stepping out when all I want at times is to is pull back and step away. At the age of 30 I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological condition called Post-traumatic Syringomyelia (PTS). Please visit my post on PTS. One of my goals is to increase awareness of this terminal condition. Broken to Grace is not yet released. Follow this blog to receive an email when the final release date is announced. God bless, Ronda

Friday, October 28, 2011

...Of Life and Love...

The river of life and love is roaring and peaceful; rocky and smooth; murky and clear; warm and cold. Its brazen power will carry you away, and its subtleties will leave you searching and longing for the slightest engagement.

Flow with it, embrace every movement, welcome each surprise, and explore the mysterious twists. Don’t allow the unassailable waterfalls to create inner adversity – some things weren’t meant for your conquering.
Allow yourself to experience the seemingly fearful in order to increase your level of trust, and more deeply enjoy the serene pools that also await you.

Realize the river isn’t yours alone. You are a mere sliver of water – insignificant yet grand in your own way. Even your slightest of maneuvers creates a ripple effect that travels beyond the bounds of your sight or imagination. Everything you do matters more than you can possibly recognize; just one of the many reasons to treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. 
–Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph and art work: Kori Lynn Photography

Monday, October 24, 2011

And Wear Forgiveness Like a Crown

Don't punish yourself for feeling hurt or even betrayed by the one that you forgive time and again. 

Forgiveness isn't forgetfulness - and it shouldn't be. 

As well, just because you forgive does not mean you have signed up to stick around for more. 

You're allowed to draw a line-of-love. 

The most important thing to understand is - whether or not you choose to keep yourself physically, intimately, or emotionally close to your loved one - the forgiveness sets you free but in no 
way does it offer a guarantee of a no-repeat offense. 

Do not forgive with expectations; 
that's not really forgiveness at all. 
Expectations we place on another imply a conditional love. 
Forgiveness must be, by definition, unconditional. 

True forgiveness takes practice, patience, peace, love, and faith. So offer yourself each of these things, including forgiveness, as you learn. 
~Ronda Rae Franklin
Photographer unknown

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Two-sided Gift

Photograph by RR Franklin
The Saluyero 1; Sayulita, Nayarit

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life...that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

In recognition of the truth and true beauty of this:

No man can sincerely love another without loving himself.

No man can sincerely teach another without learning himself.

No man can sincerely share faith with another without growing in faith himself.

No man can sincerely give hope to another and not gain more hope himself. 

In essence - as I have written before - you cannot truly give without allowing yourself to receive. Always give sincerely of yourself and you will do so with a receptive spirit by default; a truly spectacular part of human nature. 

Put the wind in another's sail, and yours will be filled as well. 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Open Your Arms and Welcome Life

How often do you not act, and later you wish you would have?The next time you are faced with a situation where you'd really like to open yourself up, but then find yourself fighting internally against your pride or shyness - remind yourself you will never be in that exact position again. It really is now or never - with everything, everyday, every moment. Give all of you all the time. No regrets. This doesn’t give you permission to act out foolishly; this gives you permission to offer the best of yourself all of the time. 

–Ronda Rae Franklin
Photograph by R.R. Franklin
Taken in Sayulita, Nayarit
Open Your Arms and Welcome Life

Friday, October 14, 2011

At the foot of the Cross~

Pride is the number one cause of death to love and friendship. Lay down your pride at the foot of the cross, so you can lay down your life and your "self" before a loved one. It is only then that you fully live; it is then that your life sparks the spirit within another. 
-Ronda Rae Franklin
Photographer unknown: altered by R. Franklin

Thursday, October 13, 2011

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Sometimes it is, but don’t let that distract you from tending your own. Your shade is merely dependent on what you’re harvesting. Keep focused on your own harvest instead of investing time in thinking the shade of green you’re walking on isn’t as grandiose as your neighbors. This world needs different shades of green; stay focused on the greater purpose instead of on what you perceive as imperfect or bland. Have faith that one day you will see the perfection of the design that you are now too close to fully measure. –Ronda Rae Franklin
Photographer: R.R. Franklin
Above Skagit County

Thursday, October 6, 2011

God's Whisper of Wisdom

The next time you find yourself confused, stop thinking and remind your heart that God is not a God of confusion - that's Satan's job. Stop thinking and listen to the voice that lives in your heart - God's whisper of wisdom will wash away your confusion and shine an unmistakable light upon the truth that was always there. 
-Ronda Rae Franklin
Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
Sunset off the coast of Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fear is not an option worthy of acknowledgement ~ Give way to love instead..

"Love is an unspoken but booming voice; it is a whisper that is ever so clear; it is a never ending yet single moment, and it is a tear that is always wiped dry. 

Love, like joy, is an inner smile no matter your external surroundings or momentary circumstance. It is peaceful and gentle, bestowing grace and forgiveness even when it rages with the passion of the grandest waterfall. 

Love is the highest power in this world as it is your greatest gift from God. Do not fain love, do not turn from it, do not abuse it, do not fear it - and exercise it only for the power it was intended to harvest."~Ronda Rae Franklin

Photographer: unknown