About Me

My photo
Anacortes, Washington, United States
This is my testimony - my testimony of faith and lack thereof; of the rising and falling of hopes and dreams; of beliefs and disbelief's; of tremendous heartache and human folly; of reaching out and stepping out when all I want at times is to is pull back and step away. At the age of 30 I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological condition called Post-traumatic Syringomyelia (PTS). Please visit my post on PTS. One of my goals is to increase awareness of this terminal condition. Broken to Grace is not yet released. Follow this blog to receive an email when the final release date is announced. God bless, Ronda

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Broken to Grace" - Living in the grace of God

Living in the grace of God..."In my eyes, this is the most precious and merciful place of faith to enter into and live. It is where peace is understood. It is where love, Godly love, is second nature - or rather first nature. It is where we accept who we are in God, and let go of who we think we need to be to earn our place with Him. It is where we know in our soul that we are with Him always. And it is that understanding that brings us to the place of peace so deep within ourselves that it is not easily conveyed through words, if at all. Explanation is no longer a necessity. His will surrounds us and binds us in His love, mercy and grace." 
~Ronda Rae Franklin,
Broken to Grace

Photograph by Rachel Whitney

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Free your feet, and your soul, from the roots of shame, anger and bitterness.

Don't allow a feeling to define your actions. 

Embrace, explore and confront them. This 

doesn't give you leave to feel sorry for 

yourself; it gives you permission to be human.

But when the root of the emotion is no longer 

in front of you, then it's time to put the feeling 

behind you as well. 

Your emotions belong with the root of their 

existence - you don't. 

The roots will grab hold of you. 

Free yourself by giving up the emotion instead 

of you. 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
Sayulita, Nayarit

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Surprise! It's you...

It takes a lifetime to know yourself and at least that long to truly know another. This isn't to say don't trust; it's to say don't be fooled on either count. The only guarantee is you will surprise yourself - good and bad - as will others. Decide how much you enjoy surprises and take each one gracefully or graciously. 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

'If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with.' I respectfully disagree...

You can keep company with a lovely person and feel lonely; you can reside in paradise and live in turmoil. 
Don't fain love towards another because you can't be with the one you do love; that's narcissism from which stems severe heartache. 
Don't go to paradise expecting your mind, heart and soul will follow; that's ignorance in which the bliss will soon subside. 
Everything comes from where you are within. Know where you stand and hold your head up when you fall. 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
Playa de Los Muertos, Riviera Nayarit

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lift up a friend today. It's a great gift to give yourself.

‎"If you are looking for a friend who is faultless, you will be friendless." ~ Rumi

Stop looking for the faults; you know they're there and you're bound to find many. When your friends search you for your faults it feels anything but friendly. Be a kind friend; be the kind of friend you want to have that maybe you don't. Seek the good because that is what you want searched out in you. Finding good in others makes you seek a better you. Lend a hand, lift up a friend. 
-Ronda Rae Franklin

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Life is rarely the ride you plan to get on each morning as you wake, but will you get on anyway?

At an amusement park you can't ride everything at once. 
If a line is long do you wait? If a ride is shut down do you stand and stare, or move on? Do you try a ride that isn't on your list? 

Live a bit more as if you're at an amusement park. 

You can't do everything at once; use patience when it's called for; gracefully step away when needed; give chance to a ride you never expected to get on. 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Your heart has the capacity to shine its beacon on many shores. Spread the wings of your heart, and you will always be home

Home is where the heart is. 
When you miss home, make home where you are. 
Find your heart, put it into all that surrounds you, and there home is made. 
This doesn't take away from the home you left behind, it simply spreads your love to a new place as well. 
There is no limit to love. 
Spread the wings of your heart - they will cover as much territory as you wish. 
-Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
Friday Harbor Lighthouse

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Art of a Childlike Heart

"Don't let the strength of your personal convictions 
become so strong and loud as to have those around you scatter and flee. 

Learn the art of stillness; a calm presence, a patient mind, a peaceful soul, a quiet spirit, and a receptive heart.

Act more than you speak. 

Spend your time finding ways to love people who seem unlovable, and judgement will have no time to manifest within you.

This is the art of living with a childlike heart." 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
The Art of a Child

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There's only one creator ~ and it isn't you. You get to hold the camera...

"There is nothing that you can accomplish that God doesn't have his hand on. 
This isn't to say you aren't accomplishing it, it simply says you don't do things by your means alone. 

You're not that good, and you don't have to be. 
Just go, do, be; learn to accept the outcome and keep moving. 
Be the best you, and accept God's will over yours. 
His will prevails no matter what you choose to accept."

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
Artwork Created by God

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stop expecting ~ Start doing

"Question where your disappointment is rooted. Disappointment leads to regret; regret to resentment. Resentment breads bitterness; bitterness leads to hatred. From hatred anger is formed; love is lost. Instead of falling to disappointment, seek the root. It always begins with expectation. Disappointment is eminent where expectation thrives. Stop creating a life of disappointment." 

-Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph: No Expectations ~ let the waves of life surprise you. 
by Ronda Rae Franklin

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Find your pieces so you can make the best possible shape with what you have.

"In moments of affliction you’re exposed to illness, trial, and yourself for whom you accurately are. Affliction enhances character - good or bad. Recognize every part of you without fear or trepidation, and welcome the occasion to enhance the splendor and diminish the unsavory. Remember to whom your splendor belongs and to whom your unsavory belongs, and put them in their perspective places." –Ronda Rae Franklin

Photograph: The Glorious Shapes of God's Children
by Ronda Rae Franklin

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Learning to Receive...

"Receiving requires vulnerability. Therefore it's more personal and innately more difficult than giving. 
"It is better to give than to receive." 
Yes, but there’s no use giving if no one's receiving. If you aren’t receptive to love, grace and forgiveness; don't be deceived that you can truly offer what you refuse to take in. You can't give from an empty heart." 
-Ronda Rae Franklin