About Me

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Anacortes, Washington, United States
This is my testimony - my testimony of faith and lack thereof; of the rising and falling of hopes and dreams; of beliefs and disbelief's; of tremendous heartache and human folly; of reaching out and stepping out when all I want at times is to is pull back and step away. At the age of 30 I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological condition called Post-traumatic Syringomyelia (PTS). Please visit my post on PTS. One of my goals is to increase awareness of this terminal condition. Broken to Grace is not yet released. Follow this blog to receive an email when the final release date is announced. God bless, Ronda

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Two people, two candles, two mirrors.

I have read that there are two different ways to shine a light - you can be the mirror or you can be the candle. I say you do both every day of your life – willing or not. As the giver of love, friendship and help you hold the candle and the receiver the mirror. However true this is, it is only partly correct because it's only half of the truth.

Consider the following. You helped create a new hope in another human being – probably an unexpected hope, strengthened faith, and an increased or newfound willingness to share their own love.

So now consider the receiver’s essential, supplemental function. They were originally only holding a mirror to reflect your candle back at you, but amidst receiving your unsolicited gift they picked up their own inner candle with the strength to reignite it. 

Broaden your focus to consider your role one step further. You not only continue to shine a light in this person’s life; now you are also their mirror.

Two people, two candles, two mirrors. Have you ever seen the effect of two mirrors, aligned just right, face to face? The image repeats itself countless times. The depiction appears endless and perhaps it is in this illustration. With this in mind, the image you place in your mirror is one of the most important choices you'll ever make in this life. Be clear that it is a choice; and in case you missed it, the image in your mirror begins with the light you first chose to shine.

Every instant of each day your mirror is alongside you in all you do and it reflects against every other mirror around you creating that same immeasurable, endless impact. Check yourself everyday. Do not fain love, offer false friendship, or give anything with attachments or conditions. Your mirror reflects the true heart of you, good and bad. Face the world’s mirrors’ knowing your reflection is endless and make it the most beautiful truth you have to offer. In this you can do no wrong. Even though you can’t undo your past images, you can choose to change what you reflect from this moment forward. Remembering that you not only reflect your surface, but more importantly your innermost self. 
©Ronda Rae Franklin, Broken to Grace

Photograph: purchased w/free-copyright

Friday, December 9, 2011

I don't know the way, but won't you walk with me?

No, I do not know the way 
in this life or to eternal life. 
But I know the one who does, and I pray I will 
do well in following Him 
from this day forward. 
I know I will stumble; 
I know I will cry; 
I know I will fall to my knees asking why.

But won't you walk with me 
as I follow the one who knows 
the beginning and the end, 
who gives new wisdom at every turn, 
who gives grace when I stumble, 
and who gives unconditional love and forgiveness whenever I ask 
in earnest prayer? 
Do be ashamed, do not be afraid 
to lay down your life and stand up for what you believe in, 
and walk with me.
©Ronda Rae Franklin
Photograph by Ronda Rae Franklin
Mother and Daughter
San Sebastian, Jalisco, Mexico

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

There is so much talk and too much thinking; together they remove wisdom.

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine...let it shine..let it shine."

I just had a conversation that compels me now to throw this out to you who live with faith in God.

Know from whom that light comes. There is so much talk of personal light, enlightenment, the power of positive thought being equal to or greater than prayer, inner power, collective thinking, making your own destiny, etc. I need to point out that the definition of destiny doesn't allow room for saying you can make your own. As well, all of this thinking more often creates confusion and inner conflict over enlightenment. Seek wisdom instead. Some will say I'm arguing semantics. I say to you - please seek the one who offers the way, the truth, and the life. And please shine your light, share your love, give of yourself and the gifts God gave you - and glory be to God - not to us.

©Ronda Rae Franklin                                                                                      
Photograph: unknown